Auntie Helen is bringing my 2 new friends (Ting Ting & En En) to join Uncle Ronghan in USA end of this month. They will back in 1.5 years time. Oh,I gave my first kiss to Ting Ting liao. Sorry girls......
Mummy went back to work. Me start to eat solid this week. Everyone is very concern about whether I pass motion daily! Keep asking me "Ming Ming, Da Bian Le Mei You?"
This is Auntie LiLi. Daddy & Auntie Qing went delivery. Mummy & me stayed to mend the shop with Auntie LiLi.
Congratulations to Auntie Shari & Uncle Lihuat! "Ello, Baby Shari"
Went Forum for lunch - Mac again!! Mummy saw this advertisment on promotion at Watson for Huggies Diapers. Bought 10 packs for me. Haha... 4 hours later, she realised she can get it cheaper at any supermarket (& that's before any discount)!!!!
At IMM, mummy bought this hat for me. Me looked so cute in it. Mommy feel so proud of herself. Cos the hat cost $2 only!!!
Last stop. Bukit Batok. I had a great time with my "lau Go" Both of us keep laughing at each other.
Mommy on 2 weeks leave (clearing a final 2 weeks maternity leave) Gong2,Po2 & Gu2 went Hong Kong for buying trip. Hehe... that's y mommy has to stay at home to accompany me.
11 Feb 2006 Lunch @ Holiday Inn. The hotel where Daddy & Mommy held their wedding dinner years ago.
Me & Auntie Naga Went Suntec shopping after lunch with my parents and my 2 Aunties (M0Mo, Naga)
My godmother called Mommy to check on my size. She buying me new clothes. (My sexy godma is very busy, always say want to come and see me but always fly me kite)
Today I wake up very late cos I have to look my best as this is my first CNY. Auntie MoMo bought this red Hong Bao suit. I look so cute in it. Went to few places to collect red packets. Everybody rush to carry me. I have to entertain so many people!!! So tired..................
Today is a bright Sunny day. Mommy & Daddy bring me to Junction 8 for shopping. Was very excited when I saw the "talking dog" toys. Hee..heee heard two passerbys saying I very cute. (Well, I always hear that when I go shopping. Hahaha)
I started to yell & shout 2 days ago. Getting louder & louder each day. I'm getting stronger everyday!!!
The foods sucks. Mummy said should have spent the $40 to buy me toys instead.
Went for the 5-in-1 injection today. Hehe ....Doc say that I am going to be a tall boy!
My growth data -----------------------------------Birth---1 mth---3 mth Weight (KG)---------------------3.7----5.18----7.13 Length (CM) --------------------55-----59------68 Head Circumference (CM) ----34----37--- --40.5
Mommy got some advice from Doc regarding Pneumococcal disease. If I have it now, need to take 4 doses... And it doesn't come cheap.. $170 per dose. Doc advice Mommy to go home & consider.
Today my trendy Auntie, PingPing, visited me at my granny's place. She's so bamboo stick ...l feel myself like a panda bear!
This is my lovely Auntie, Molecules. This cute tee was a present from her for CNY...But my mommy very "kan cheong", can't wait to put it on my chubby tubby body..kekekeke